Filed under iphone


iPhone and iPod Touch Pixel Dimensions


  • For iPhone Retina display, all pixel dimensions are doubled.
  • All the dimensions for the iPhone (not retina) are the same as for the iPod Touch.
  • All pixel dimensions include highlight or stroke effects.  For example, a 30-pixel high button is actually a 29-pixel high button with a 1-pixel highlight on the bottom.

iPhone screen size:

  • Portrait 320×480 pixels
  • Landscape 480×320 pixels

iPhone Nav bar:

  • Portrait: 44 pixels high
  • Landscape: 32 pixels high

iPhone Nav bar buttons:

  • Portrait: 30 pixels high
  • Landscape: 24 pixels high

iPhone Nav bar button icons: about 20×20 pixels (when in Landscape mode, it shrinks the 20×20 pixel icon)

iPhone Toolbar: 44 pixels high (does not change)

iPhone Toolbar button: 30 pixels high (does not change)

iPhone Toolbar button icon: about 20×20 pixels

iPhone Tab Bar: 49 pixels high (does not change)

iPhone Tab Bar icon: about 30×30 pixels

iPad Pixel Dimensions

iPad screen size:

  • Portrait 768×1024 pixels
  • Landscape 1024×768

iPad Navigation Bar and Tool Bars: 44 pixels high

iPad Nav Bar and Tool Bar buttons: 30 pixels high

iPad Nav Bar and Tool Bar button icons: about 20×20 pixels

iPad Tab Bar: 49 pixels high

iPad Tab Bar icons: about 30×30 pixels

iPad List View: 320 pixels wide.  This is because when the same app is on the iPhone, the 320 pixel width fits iPhone Portrait mode perfectly.

Those are the notes that I find myself referring to the most; now they are all in one place! In fact, I referred to them twice for my regular work projects since making these reference lists :]

If you have any other basic pixel dimensions that you are always having to look up, please add them in the comments! In the future I may make more of these reference images, so if you have any requests please list them here.

2011/11/17 16:20 2011/11/17 16:20